Thursday, February 24, 2011

think europe - photo action event

Dear Everybody,

We invite all participants who have attended a seminar, training or youth gathering in the Europe House Marienberg to take part in a Europe-wide photo action event! If you haven't been to the Europe House before (shame on you - you missed a great experience) you are still more than welcome to take part in the photo action event as well!!!

By now, all of you should know our logo which represents everything we do in our European Youth Education "think europe". If not (shame on you again) & have a look here - this is it...

Our idea is to collect photos from all over Europe with you - our participants and Followers - imitating the person in our Logo. That should be combined with the logo itself (somehow) and an interesting background representing you local community or a famous place in Europe.

To be precise, here introductions step by step:

  1. Think about a method to include our logo in the picture (printout, with a beamer, etc.)
  2. Find a nice place somewhere in your local area / or a famous European site nearby / or choose some famous site you visit during your vacation (Eifel tower, London bridge, top of a mountain, etc.)
  3. Pose as our figure is posing and shoot a picture (don't forget to include the logo)
    If it's not possible to include the logo - forget about it and just do step 2 and 3!!!
You can send as many pictures as you want. We'll collect everything to include them appealingly in our Social Media. Later on we will create a great media show from all photos handed in.
The goal is of course to collect as many interesting sites as possible from all over Europe!

It would be great if you could also give us some detailed information about your photo:

  • Who is in the picture?
  • What is the story of the photo?
  • Where was the photo taken?
  • When have you been in the Europe House?

It's great fun! Anselm and I will come up with our own pictures very soon.

Feel free to contact us for questions. You can send the photos via E-Mail directly to the Europe House, just check the webpage for the e-mail-addresses.
So, let's get started...

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